Rare super blue moon rises over Ontario next week


Published August 16, 2024 at 3:01 pm

super blue moon ontario

A rare super blue moon rises over Ontario and across North America next week.

The full moon rises in the evening sky on Monday, Aug. 19, and this moon is special.

It is a supermoon, which are the biggest and brightest full moons of the year, according to NASA.

Astrologer Richard Nolle coined the term “supermoon” in 1979, NASA says on its website. The full moon is within 90 per cent of its closest approach to Earth.

Supermoons appear approximately 30 per cent brighter and 14 per cent larger than usual, Space.com writes on their website.

“Though this may sound like a lot, however, it’s quite hard to spot the difference with the unaided eye, unless you’re a seasoned moon-watcher,” Space.com says.

It is also a blue moon, which has two meanings these days — neither has to do with the colour of the moon. A blue moon is sometimes defined as the second full moon in one calendar month.

The full moon on Aug. 19, however, falls under the more traditional definition of a full moon. It is the third full moon in an astronomical season (between equinoxes and solstices) with four full moons.

This month’s moon is called a sturgeon moon, a name that comes from the sturgeon fish of the Great Lakes and Lake Champlain, according to the Farmer’s Almanac. This native freshwater fish was readily caught in late summer and was an important staple for Indigenous people in the Great Lakes area.

If the forecast cooperates, Monday or Tuesday evening could be good nights to see the moon.

Currently, there is rain in the forecast for Monday in most southern Ontario communities but the skies are expected to clear by the evening.

While blue moons are rare, there are more chances to see a supermoon. There are three more this fall on Sept. 17, Oct. 17 and Nov. 15.

The closest supermoon will be October’s Hunter’s moon.

See more on the NASA website here.

Lead photo: Alex Andrews

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