One Event Is Looking To Change Your Perception Of Sheridan Centre

Published May 7, 2019 at 4:14 pm


If you have ever visited Sheridan Mall, you may assume that it is deserted or dead. However, one free event is about to change that perception.

On May 11, Anu Radha Verma and Artist Marina Fathalla will put on a free event called “Counter-narrative to the Dissolution of Sheridan Centre.” The event will take place from 1 p.m to 4 p.m at the Sheridan Branch Library and Sheridan Centre. The library and mall are located at 2225 Erin Mills Parkway.

The event is a part of a public programming series, called “Re: Placement, Can We Find a Way,” curated by Verma. The event series will take place across multiple sites.

The team decided to stop at Mississauga’s Sheridan Centre to show the public the importance of the centre for the surrounding community. According to Verma, the centre holds vital community organizations, such as the Polycultural Immigrant Community Services, and gathering spaces.

“Year-round, malls are a place of gathering and refuge/respite from the cold, especially for youth in the suburbs often seen as aimlessly lingering or loitering,” states Verma.

The event will include an intimate walking tour in the mall and a community reading. Artist Fathalla will share a list of books in both Arabic and English.

“As a second generation immigrant, I understand Arabic but cannot read it. I felt drawn in this project to animate the modest Arabic book collection at Sheridan Library, by inviting immigrants to read, translate, and narrate excerpts from a selected list of books in both Arabic and English to each other,” states Fathalla.

The aim of the event is to create intergenerational ties as well as share the history of immigration while exploring a hidden place that is important to many immigrants.

Are you ready to see the Sheridan Centre as something more than just an old mall?

Photo courtesy of Sheridan Library

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