Motorcyclist seriously injured in Mississauga, Peel officer won’t face charges


Published October 17, 2024 at 9:10 pm

peel police motorcycle cleared collision mississauga

A Peel police officer has been cleared of criminal wrong-doing following a collision with a motorcycle in Mississauga in June.

The Special Investigations Unit said the incident started when an officer attempted to stop a man on a motorcycle for making a turn onto Lakeshore Road East, near Cawthra Road, on June 10.

“The police officer, driving a marked pick-up truck, cut across the westbound lanes in front the motorcyclist,” said Joseph Martino, the SIU director, in the official report. “The man attempted to swerve right around it and his motorcycle fell over. At hospital later that day, the man was diagnosed with a fractured shoulder.”

Martino concluded that, while one might question the wisdom of the manoeuvre performed by the officer, particularly against a motorcyclist, the evidence did not reasonably establish the officer departed markedly from a reasonable standard of care when he undertook to execute it.

The SIU is an independent government agency that investigates the conduct of police officers that may have resulted in death, serious injury, sexual assault and/or the discharge of a firearm at a person.

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