Mississauga contributing to Ontario housing crisis, advocacy group claims
Published March 30, 2022 at 1:42 pm

A housing advocacy group has condemned Mississauga’s response to intensification saying the City’s stance is contributing to the housing crisis in Ontario.
More Neighbours Toronto (MNT), a group that calls itself a network of pro-housing voices from across the political spectrum, says Mississauga’s position is short-sighted and self-serving that only maintains the status quo while providing no reasonable solutions.
“The City’s arguments mostly boil down to the preservation of local control at all costs, and the prioritization of the wants of existing residents over the needs of future residents,” writes the MNT.
Mississauga made its position clear by providing a “report card” on the Ontario Government’s recommendations released earlier this month through the Housing Affordability Task Force. In the report card Mississauga rejects 29 of the 62 recommendations made by the task force.
Mississauga says it is opposed to Task Force plans that call for in-fill housing of up to four storeys on lots meant for single-family homes; the waving of developments charges on affordable housing; applying financial penalties against municipalities for delaying housing applications; limiting publics meetings on building projects; limiting heritage designations on properties, among other concerns.
MNT says the position Mississauga is taking contributes to the housing crisis that is triggered by slow-moving approval times for projects, a low number of housing unit starts and ultimately inflating house prices to put them out of reach for those on limited income.
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