Free programs help women new to Canada find work in Mississauga, Brampton and the GTA

Published October 31, 2023 at 3:41 pm

Free programs from Achēv help women new to Canada find work in Mississauga, Brampton and the GTA

Newcomer women in Canada looking to enter the workforce are encouraged to check out the free employment, counselling, and skills development programs offered by Achēv Women’s services, available to applicants in Mississauga, Brampton, and across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

These programs are designed to help women and girls find valuable work opportunities and kickstart a successful career in their field. These services are invaluable, as women often encounter unique challenges in securing employment, adapting to a new community, and building professional networks.

Last year, Achēv supported over 109,820 clients – out of which 59,000 were women and girls – by offering free programs and services to help them overcome barriers and succeed in the workforce:

Career Success for Racialized Newcomer Women

This program is designed to provide racialized newcomer women with free of cost essential skills training. Women will receive two weeks of a classroom-style curriculum, followed by 10 weeks of individualized coaching and support by a workplace development coach.


  • One-on-one coaching and job search support
  • Portfolio and career development
  • Essential job market skills
  • Assessment and enhancement
  • Networking and mentoring activities
  • Events and employer connections
  • Childcare support services (if eligible)
  • Transportation cost reimbursement

Preparing Women & Workplaces for Success

Under the Preparing Women and Workplaces for Success program, paid training is available to immigrant and racialized women. Over six weeks, the 120-hour paid training program aims to improve essential, employment and life skills combined with individualized employment support. The program also works with employers to improve access to employment and retention in the workplace for immigrant and racialized women.


  • Paid customized training on essential skills/skills for success, employability skills, and digital upskilling and literacy
  • Coaching and mentorship activities
  • Networking opportunities
  • One-on-one coaching and job search support
  • Essential job market skills
  • Childcare support services (if eligible)
  • Transportation cost reimbursement

Advancing Equity for Women and Girls

Advancing Equity for Women and Girls is a research project to address the systemic employment barriers. A focus group study was undertaken, to retrieve information from various women and youth to hear their experiences in the GTA. Additionally, the project consulted employers, HR professionals, employment service providers, policymakers, and community leaders on this subject.

The project timeline is currently in its final phase: using the data gathered, Achēv will launch information sessions, social media campaigns, workshops, and a toolkit on how employers can use more inclusive practices.

R.I.S.E (Resilience, Independence, Support, Empowerment.)

If you or someone you know is experiencing gender-based violence or intimate partner violence, Achēv’s RISE program can get you the help you need. These confidential services and follow-up programs are designed to help women get out of abusive situations and lead safe, independent lives through supportive counselling and a variety of free resources.


  • Free one-on-one supportive counselling
  • Safety planning
  • Legal rights workshops and resources
  • Financial literacy training
  • System navigation and referrals
  • Life Skills and self-esteem workshops
  • Employment support and referrals
  • Interpretation services available

The RISE program (standing for Resilience, Independence, Support, and Empower) received provincial funding from the Ontario government’s Investing in Women’s Futures program, which will allow it to help more women in need of support.

Many women have been helped already:

Since the launch of these programs, they’ve heard numerous glowing testimonials from women who were able to find work and launch successful careers due to the support they received from Achēv.

In 2020, Ritika Gupta arrived in Canada at the height of the pandemic and began looking for work. It took her eight months to secure a job, where she worked for two years until she experienced a mass layoff.

That’s when she realized she needed all-around job search support, and joined Achēv’s Career Success for Racialized Newcomer Women (CSRNW) program.

“The CSRNW program significantly boosted my self-confidence. Through assessments and crafting a professional summary presentation, I gained valuable insights into my strengths and weaknesses,” said Gupta.

Gupta was able to secure a job in her field, choosing from multiple offers without having to compromise on position, salary, or location.

Another success story is Wardah Aslam’s, who applied to the Preparing Women & Workplaces for Success (PWWS) program as a new immigrant to Canada.

“This program not only equipped me with essential professional skills but also provided a supportive and empathetic community that understood the emotional challenges of my journey,” said Aslam.

“I’m no longer just a newcomer; I am a newcomer with a purpose, armed with the tools to thrive in Canada’s diverse and dynamic job market.”

A full list of services for women is available at Achēv’s website.

Achēv’s vision is to help change people’s lives as they achieve their purpose. Beyond their women-oriented services, they help jobseekers of all backgrounds discover their full potential in a career that best suits them, as well as help employers hire workers that best fit their workforce, at no cost.

For over 30 years, Achēv has dedicated itself to helping newcomers and Canadians by providing employment, newcomer, language, youth, women and inclusion services in the Greater Toronto Area.

For more information on how they can help you, visit Achēv’s websiteLinkedInFacebookInstagram and Twitter pages.

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