Bitcoin extortion scam strikes Ontario


Published September 20, 2024 at 12:54 pm

A new scam extorting Bitcoin holders has struck Hamilton and possibly more of Ontario.

Hamilton Police report an email extortion scam is making the round which claims to have compromising photos of the recipient. Investigators say they have received multiple complaints about these emails over the last week.

The email claims to know the recipient has accessed explicit online content and that the sender has captured compromising images via malware. The email demands the recipient send money to a Bitcoin wallet or these images will be released to their friends and family.

Unusually, these emails include a photo of the victim’s house, their name, birthday, and phone number as proof of knowledge about the victim’s identity.

“Hamilton Police urge the public to exercise caution to avoid falling victim to this scam and to report scams through our online reporting portal,” investigators wrote.

“If you receive this email, do not send money or bitcoin to the suspects. As a reminder, do not give out personal information to unknown parties and be cautious when sharing personal information on websites. Do not open emails, files or links from unknown senders,” they continued.


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The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre has also released a warning with the contents of the email.

Anyone who encounters these emails in encouraged to reach out to their local police service.

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