Air Canada pilots prepare for possible strike


Published August 15, 2024 at 8:41 am

air canada strike

Air Canada pilots are preparing for a possible strike.

The pilots have been in contract negotiations since June 2023, said the pilot’s union, the Air Line Pilots Association, in a statement.

The union said there is a wide wage gap between Canadian pilots and their counterparts in the U.S.

“Air Canada pilots continue to fall behind our industry peers in total compensation who make significantly more for flying the same aircraft on the same routes,” said Charlene Hudy, chair of the Air Canada ALPA Master Executive Council in the statement.

“This disparity is unacceptable and needs to be addressed. Failing to improve our pilots’ wages and working conditions will negatively impact management’s ability to attract and retain pilots, which will negatively impact Air Canada’s future growth plans.”

Air Canada has told news outlets it is working actively to reach an agreement on the remaining issues. The airline hopes to finalize a deal over the next several weeks.


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In June, a year after negotiations began, the union filed a notice of dispute and request for conciliation assistance with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. The process will end on Aug. 26, the union said in the statement.

After Aug. 26, a 21-day cooling-off period will begin.

If a deal cannot be reached, pilots could then be in a legal strike position as soon as Sept. 17, the union said.

“We want to reach an agreement with Air Canada to avert a strike,” Hurdy said. “However, management continues to force us closer to a strike position by not listening to our needs at the negotiating table regarding fair compensation, respectable retirement benefits, and quality-of-life improvements.”

Lead photo: Pearson Airport

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