5-home development gets green light despite objections from neighbours in Mississauga


Published July 15, 2024 at 10:40 am

1667 sunningdale bend mississauga

A proposal for five detached homes got a green light despite objections from neighbours in Mississauga.

The proposed development at 1667 Sunningdale Bend in Clarkson has been in the works for several years. Residents have expressed concerns about the number of homes and the height of homes proposed.

The property is not developed and is currently covered with vegetation and weeds.

The design of the buildings is not finalized yet but one rendering shows a modern, flat-roofed building. The flat-roofed building would be approximately one metre taller than the closest existing home in the neighbourhood, said Lucas Petricca, City of Mississauga development planner during the June 25 Planning and Development committee meeting.

There were no renderings for the sloped-roofed homes but those would be two- to 2.5 metres taller than the existing home, Petricca said.

The sloped roofed home height is within what is allowed for this area. The flat-roofed building has a 20-centimetre height increase from what is currently allowed but is “minor in nature,” staff said.

This latest proposal is scaled back from a previous design. The maximum heights have been reduced to 9.5 metres (previously 10.7 metres) for the sloped-roof homes and 7.7 metres for the flat-roof homes, according to the report to the committee.

1667 sunningdale bend mississauga

A City of Mississauga submission shows a possible design for the flat-roofed homes.

The lot size of two lots (four and five) were also reduced to accommodate changes for a proposed natural heritage and buffer compensation area. The five lots are smaller than properties in the neighbourhood.

Sunnyvale Bend will be extended into the new residential area, which will be a condominium development (five homes managed under a condominium corporation). The private road will be maintained by the condominium association.

1667 sunningdale bend mississauga

Area residents spoke out against the current proposal.

Sue Shanly, president of the Meadow Wood Rattray Ratepayers Association, said residents would like to see the project reduced to four homes rather than five.

“It’s a lot of intensification for that area,” Shanly said.

But the biggest concern was the proposed height of the homes, which would be taller than existing houses in the neighbourhood.

“The height is the most important factor,” she said.

The proposed height would be about 1.62 metres taller than resident David Porter’s home, which borders the development lot, he said at the meeting.

“This is a substantially taller building,” Porter said.

He asked that the maximum height be seven metres for flat-roofed buildings.

The new homes will be adjacent to Porter’s home.

“It’s literally in my backyard,” he said, adding he is not opposed to development on the vacant property, which is now overgrown with weeds.

“I believe some development would be helpful here,” he added.

1667 sunningdale bend mississauga

The developer “significantly reduced the initial heights” for this development proposal, said Ward 2 Coun. Alvin Tedjo.

“I don’t see from staff’s perspective or council’s perspective how this would be a development that we would not support moving forward,” Tedjo said at the June 25 meeting.

Council agreed and voted in favour of the project.

For more on this project, see the meeting here.

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