It’s been 47 years since the mass school shooting in Brampton
Published May 28, 2022 at 11:57 am
May 28, 2022, marks 47 years since the school shooting at Brampton Centennial Secondary School (BCSS), which took place on May 28, 1975.
On that unfortunate day, 16-year-old Michael Slobodian killed a classmate, a teacher, and himself, and injured 13 others.
The day of the shooting began as a normal spring day for students at BCSS – classes, friends, lunch.
Slobodian attended his first two classes for the day, and skipped the third. His English teacher, 25-year-old Margaret Wright, called home to let his parents know he had skipped class.
He returned to school around 11:30 a.m., carrying his guitar case which, unknown to anyone, was packing a .444 calibre rifle and a .22 calibre rifle. These were licensed rifles which Slobodian and his father used for hunting.
In a bathroom in the art hallway, Slobodian unpacked his weapons. Not long after is when he started firing.
Slobodian immediately fired on Michael Gibeault, 19, shot in the stomach and the arm, Richard Shadrach, 16, shot in the chest, and John Slinger, 17, who was shot fatally.
Upon exiting the bathroom, Slobodian opened fire at random and continued the bloodshed, injuring several other students.
Some in classes or outside thought the shooting noises were fireworks, and most could not comprehend what was going on.
Of the seriously injured were Jennifer Mather, 17, who was shot seriously in the leg, and Ernie Nicholls, 19, who was shot in the abdomen.
Slobodian then killed Wright, his English teacher, who had called his parents earlier for skipping class.
Finally, ending the carnage but not the trauma, Slobodian turned the gun on himself and shot himself in the head.
The scene has been described as absolute chaos.
Everyone was screaming, seeking cover and refuge, emergency vehicles surrounded the building after Principal William Springle alerted the police about five minutes after the shooting began, and former students are scarred to this day.
Reports say the shooting only lasted for two or three minutes.
The trauma that followed still plagues the school, and 47 years later, former students and teachers are still healing.
The BCSS shooting, at a time when shootings were less common, is one that definitely sparked changes to gun laws, and hopefully sparked changes to mental health support.
While any shooting is awful enough, in 1975, no counselling was available for such a taboo topic. Many suffered from forms of PTSD. The injured were compensated in thousands of dollars.
According to reports, Slobodian left behind a suicide note reading:
To whom it may concern:
My life is now gone to pot. I am going to eliminate certain people from this world. Those people are: Mrs. Wright, Mr. Bronson and any other sucker who gets in my way. I am then going to kill myself so as not to be imprisoned. I am not insane but just strictly fed up with life. I am not getting anywhere and it’s my fault. I love my parents and my family and I know that they love me. Michael Peter Slobodian.
Wright, Slinger, and Slobodian himself ended the fatality count after Slobodian’s rampage. Physics teacher Ross Bronson, mentioned in the note, was on another floor when the shooting happened.
There was no information or reports that there was anything wrong with Slobodian. Nothing indicated he had or required psychiatric care. He allegedly showed no signs of what he was about to do.
The school had five days of mourning following the shooting, and according to Globe and Mail reports from the days that followed, flags across Brampton flew at half-mast in memory of the shooting victims.
Such an act can’t be taken lightly, and Brampton holds onto the memory of that day with a heavy heart, 42 years later.
In 1975, Premier William Davis’s daughter, who was physically unharmed, attended BCSS, and while Davis left the school in tears due to the tragedy, he offered a statement of support which was reported by the Globe and Mail the day following the shooting.
“Whether directly affected or not, we all share the sense of tragedy that arises from the deaths and injuries that occurred and a grave sense of wonder and concern as to why something like this should happen in our community,” said Davis.
“For now, however, my first thoughts are to express deepest sympathy to the families of those who have died and fervent prayers that those who have been injured will quickly return to full breadth.”
The artwork is located near the front entrance of the school, right by the roundabout. The sculpture was unveiled at the BCSS 50 year reunion on May 27, 2017.
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