Crossing guards in Oakville told to stay home because of heat warning


Published June 19, 2024 at 9:59 am

crossing guard oakville heat cancelled

Oakville drivers are being asked to be extra careful around schools today.

Because of the heat warning issued by Environment Canada, the Town of Oakville has told all crossing guards to stay home.

“Drivers, please rememeber to obey posted speed limits, slow down in school zones and be prepared to stop,” said a spokesperson.

A heat warning is issued when several consecutive days are expected to have above 30C temperatures.

According to Environment Canada, the prolonged heat event will continue through Friday or Saturday. Dangerously hot and humid conditions are expected.

Daytime highs are expected to be 30C to 35C with humidex values of 40 to 45. There will be little relief through the overnight as lows are expected to be 20C to 23C with humidex values of 26 to 30.

Hot and humid air can also bring deteriorating air quality and can result in the Air Quality Health Index approaching the high risk category.

Extreme heat can affect everyone’s health and the risks are greater for older adults, infants and young children, pregnant people, people with physical and/or mental illnesses, and people with disabilities or mobility issues.

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